
About Mil Cents

MilCents is your destination for military finance clarity. Our mission is to offer calculators and resources that empower military service members with valuable financial insights.

Our journey began with the vision of a salary equivalent calculator, designed to assist service members in understanding their value and determining the necessary earnings to sustain their current lifestyle upon exiting the military.

MilCents Road Map

[  ] Expand our military pay calculator to include data from 2013 to 2025. This expansion aims to provide comprehensive historical data for analyzing trends in military pay over the years. [  ] Develop a Mil-to-Mil calculator for individuals with spouses serving alongside them to determine total equivalent household income. [  ] Create an inflation calculator for military pay: This will be used to analyze trends in military pay to understand changes in take-home salaries' purchasing power over time.
[  ] Incorporate grandfathered BAH rates for service members whose current duty stations have experienced a decrease in BAH but are receiving previous year rates.
[  ] Establish a military blog to discuss helpful information for service members.
[  ] Generate a printable paystub-like document to assist service members in demonstrating their current salary to potential employers, aiding in negotiations.
[  ] Create an inflation calculator for military pay.

Technical Road Map

Bug Fixes